
Showing posts from November, 2020

World Englishes audio

 Marcio Lavandeira 12.°CT8  Now I´m leaving you with an audio made by me, It's an audio where I explain you the different types of World Englishes.

World Englishes

Márcio Lavandeira 12.ºCT8 "   English clearly is the world’s most widely used language in the early 21st century: the language of formal and other interactions in very many countries, the main tool of globalization, and the default choice for transnational communication. Initially, the expansion of the British Empire, beginning in the 17th century and driven by various motives for colonization, brought it to all continents: North America and the Caribbean, the southern hemisphere (including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and other territories), and also Asia, Africa, and the Pacific region. In contact with indigenous languages new, increasingly stable and localized varieties of English with properties and functions of their own have grown in many countries." Commentary: As you might know English has a lot of varieties. It is indeed the most spoken language in the ...

World Englishes

Image This is an excellent way to find out the concrete definition of "world Englishes", it also contains a list of countries that speak English, and for those who are outdated of the topic, explain a little of the history of English This week's theme is “world Englishes” but before I start you all have to know that this is a term for varieties of English and not another language. English has become a global language for things such as colonialism and migration, nowadays the number of English speakers is increasing, and because of that, all countries are getting their own accent. The theme Englishes it´s giving different names to things that are visually the same, for example: But the differences are not only between the American English and the British, because there are still more different English like for example Indian and Australian. Surprisingly, this subject has a history behind it because in 1992 a man decided t...

World Englishes

  World Englishes is a term used to distinguish localized or indigenized varieties of English, especially varieties that have developed in territories that were once English occupied. Nowadays most of these lands speak their own English, and that means that their language has been through a process of evolution, uniting itself with   English, this process united both languages into one, which resulted and a new language that was by default a variety of English, such as Indian-English. When talking about future possibilities knowing English is something that increases your chances of getting a good job either in a multinational company within your own country or going outside and finding work abroad. Besides that English is also the most common language used in the media, the internet and in international communication making it essential if you have intentions of going far in your life. Francisco Martins 12ct8

Podcast English as Global language

Márcio Lavandeira 12.º CT8

English as a global language,the%20world.%20Why%20is%20English%20so%20popular%2C%20though%3F        People often talk about English as a global language or  lingua franca . With more than 350 million people around the world speaking English as a first language and more than 430 million speaking it as a second language, there are English speakers in most countries around the world. Why is English so popular, though? And why has it become a global language? English is considered a global language. Why? It is considered a global language because it is spoken as a second language by many people. For example, it is important to speak English as a language of business, as a language for studying abroad, future works, etc. Many people don't think that speaking English isn't important. They are wrong. People don't need to speak English as their ...

The Origins of English (conclusion)

  Middle English (1100-1500) Later in   1066 the duke of Normandy, also known as “William the Conqueror, invaded England, these new invaders were known as the Normans and as they invaded they brought with them a variety of French and as that came along and as time passed by it eventually became the language of the Royal Court as well as for the ruling and business classes, however after the introduction of this new language a gap between the different economical classes were created because the lower classes found themselves s.peaking English and the higher classes were speaking French. This continued up until the 14 th century when English became dominant in Britain again Modern English Early Modern English (1500-1800) Towards the end of 1500, a sudden and unique change in pronunciation started, “the Great Vowel Shift”, as vocals began to be pronounced shorter and shorter as the years passed by and that occurred because since the 16 th century the British were in contact ...

English as a global language

Leonardo Nascimento n19   this video offers a summary of why we need English for our daily lives and how English became the most widely spoken language and a few histories of the last centuries In the current day´s English became a global language. English is spoken in all continents by many countries and it is also used as the official language of big organizations and nowadays it´s a big boost to your career because in these days it's very helpful to business technology and medicine. Why English became a global language? past Britain had a lot of colonies, in fact, the British empire controlled almost a quarter of the world. when the colonies became independent maintained English as their official language and then the united states became the dominant world power in the 20th century and by this happen English turn into an even stronger language and it is also spoken as a second language by many people.