
Showing posts from October, 2020

The origins of English Audio Francisco Martins 12ct8

English Origin

 The first people known to walk through England were the celts. Latin was the main and the only language spoken in Britain was Latin that was brought by the Roman Empire. Many years later an event that was going to change its history began! 3 different tribes invade England; this was one of the biggest influencers on English origin. The English that we have today are the result of dialects that these tribes brought. what I said so far are the phases that origin the English that we have now that in the case historically it is divided between the old English and the Middle English, which particularly divides the phases is the time in which they occur and what they add again, old English being the phase of history where Rome is involved and the middle English being the phase of invasions. Leonardo Nascimento N19

The Origins of English

  Marcio Lavandeira 12.ºCT8 English is a language that is spoken around the entire globe. But where did English come from? As we know English is a language that evolved through generations of speakers, undergoing major changes over time. While modern English shares similar words with Latin-derived roman languages, like French and Spanish, most of those words were not originally part of it. They began appearing in the English language after the invasion of the Normans in 1066.  After the French-speaking Normans conquered England, they brought their speech with them, adding an amount of French and Latin vocabulary to the English language spoken at that time ( today we call it old English). The old English belongs to the Germanic language family, first brought to the Britain Isles in the 5th and 6th centuries by the Angles, Saxons, and the Jutes(anglo-Saxon language). Viking invaders in the 8th and 11th centuries added more borrowings from Old Norse into the mix. And that invasio...

The Origins of English

         The origin of the English language actually starts way before then you would think! You can say that it's starting point was when the Germanic invasion started during the 5 th century(AD), at that time  there were 3 main invading tribes: the Angles, The Saxons, and the Jutes. Apart from this, you have to remember that there were already the native people of Britain living there, which spoke a Celtic dialect. The contact between these  4 different ethnicities originated a historical event that resulted in a cultural mix that involved the Celtic dialect spoken by the British and the germanic dialects brought by the invaders.          On the Germanic side, we had very similar languages, which made it easier for British people to learn it. With the years passing by a new language had appeared, this language was the result of the assimilation of the germanic dialects by the already spoken Celtic dialect, this ended in the...